Are you ready for the lockdown to end?
Although the obvious answer is a huge resounding YES, many of us are perhaps feeling apprehensive about getting back to real life.
After so many months of having our lives turned upside down, we may certainly feel some level of stress about how to get-back-to-normal.

Very few people have not been touched in one way or another by this pandemic. Whether it be through illness, financial strain, mental and emotional stress, we all have stories to tell.
Ladies – it is time to remind ourselves that we can enjoy life and look to the future in a positive way. If you are out of lockdown or waiting patiently for it to end soon, it is time to dust off those negative thoughts and get going.
Here are some of our ideas – try them out and let us know your feedback, we LUV hearing from you!
Sort out your home office
Like so many of us, you have probably been locked in your home office for months with your laptop for company.
Take some time and sort it out. Cleaning up and throwing out junk is so therapeutic and costs nothing. Empty out the drawers and closets. Dust the shelves and wash the windows. Put the curtains into the wash or send them off to the dry cleaners.
Rearrange your space. Turn your desk to face in another direction if possible. A change is as good as a holiday, they say. Get yourself a new chair that is well padded and comfortable.
If you are really ambitious, why not give the room a fresh coat of paint? It will be a great family bonding experience.
Plan to take a course in something you know nothing about
Learning new skills is exciting and fun. Now that we can meet with other people face to face – let’s get going.
Select a topic that you know nothing about or have never enjoyed. Do you dislike cooking? Why not learn to cook up tasty, nutritious and delicious meals and surprise yourself? Or, try your hand at baking some scrumptious cakes, cookies or desserts. It’s a great way to tempt your taste buds and improve your mood.
Take a course in astronomy, gardening, sketching, oil painting, mosaic or dog grooming. Even if it is not for you, you can always say – been-there and done-that.
Volunteer your time
So many people are struggling as a result of the pandemic and there are many ways to help without offering money. Find a cause that you feel strongly about and volunteer to spend a few hours a week helping.
Your local community groups will be able to advise and guide you.
You can help to raise funds, clean up beaches or serve food at shelters. You can get involved in homes for children or the elderly. If you prefer a desk job, you can make calls to rally up support for charities and events.
Join a gym club, yoga class, Pilates studio or walking club
Doing exercise is one of the best ways to clear your mind and stimulate positive vibes. And, losing a few kilos of weight will also be an added perk.
Join a local club that takes your fancy. You will get out of the house, meet people and get fit. Choose the activity that suits you best. You can run, walk or hike. Try yoga for relaxation or Pilates to stretch and work those muscles in a safe way. If you are really up to it, go for heavy-duty Cross Fit or extreme Strength Training. For way-cool gals, why not try a belly dancing class?
Visit an aquarium
If you can’t get close to the ocean, head for an aquarium. Get immersed in the cool blue vibe as you watch beautiful coloured fish glide through the water. Enjoy the scenes of star fish, coral and fascinating marine life.
An aquarium visit is relaxing and educational. It makes a great family outing too.
If you are lucky enough to live close to the ocean, do the real thing and go deep-sea diving. Spending time underwater with these serene and glorious creatures gives you a new perspective on life when you come back up to earth.
Stroll around a market
Spend a relaxing day at an outdoor market. Even if you live in a big city, there are many outdoor markets for you to explore.
Head for a local farmers market and buy some fresh produce. Vintage markets offer hidden treasures for you to find and take home to cherish. Flower and garden markets are a delight and are sure to uplift your spirit. Buy a tree to plant and plan to watch it grow through the years, creating a unique me-space in your garden.
Meet local artists who do pottery, painting, woodwork or metal work. Even buying a small piece is sure to motivate and encourage them.
Treat yourself to a new dress
Obviously our fave topic, but ladies, admit it .... nothing makes you feel better than a glorious new dress.
Because we love feeling nostalgic, we are bringing back a classic that we have had for many years. The navy beige polka rockabilly dress will soon be available on our website. This adorable style is fun and fresh, and so let’s-get-out-of-lockdown.
Hope you love it as much as we do!
Ladies – remember to wear your masks and sanitise wherever you go. Keep a bottle of sanitiser in your tote, in your pocket and in your car. It is time to get out and start having some fun.